5 common mistakes sole traders make on FreeAgent when they don’t get support from an accountant or bookkeeper.

FreeAgent accounting software is fab. It is available for free with certain business bank accounts and is really user friendly. As a sole trader, you can do it all yourself!…

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5 reasons why you should see accountants and bookkeepers as an investment in (and not a cost to!) your business

1. They will help get your accounts and tax return right. Note I am not saying they will save you tax. If you are overpaying tax then absolutely they will…

Continue Reading5 reasons why you should see accountants and bookkeepers as an investment in (and not a cost to!) your business

5 worst bits of my job and how I try to overcome them…

1. Waiting on hold to HMRC! Even with the new hold music and also Claire from Loud and Clear Accounting producing alternatives (😂 https://www.linkedin.com/posts/claire-owen-jones_musicforaccountants-hmrc-music-activity-6975014507991420928-UqlQ?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android) this is not my favourite way to…

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